This new mix installment is dedicated to 2015. A wild and beaten journey of a year, with some of the most intense and eye-opening events I’ve encountered in my young artistic career. In 2015, I had 3+ different “jobs”, began producing music, had my first role on a TV show, lost a close friend, lost my childhood dog, traveled far and wide, moved in with my bæ, made countless lifelong friendships, and drank a lot of tequila.
This specific mix has been tailored to reflect the tidal ebb and flows that a year of life brings. Ups and downs, back and forths, the feeling of movement without going anywhere, and the feeling of being stationary but trudging forward. Dancing all night with friends and driving solo down empty roads.
〜 I’ve included my latest remix in there featuring @emreefranklin 〜
Hope you enjoy, and happy 2016!